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This month we acknowledge Sports Eye Safety Month

With the spring, as well as a greater chance to engage in a new set of sports, comes a rise in the number of eye injuries caused by sports accidents. Each season, many children and adults sustain eye injuries as a result of sport play that could be prevented with proper defense and awareness. Guarding your eyes while playing sports is essential particularly in contact sports or those that bring you out into the sun's rays such as ice hockey, baseball, football, squash, wrestling, soccer, or golf.

You can avoid most sports eye accidents by investing in the correct protective eyewear suited to the sport you're involved in. This will keep you injury-free and will often also have additional protection to minimize your exposure to UV light for when you're outdoors. Sports eyewear is made especially to prepare you for common accidents. Conventional frames and lenses usually won't provide preventing impact, which means that a small collision can become a serious risk to eyesight.

Protecting your eyes during sports goes beyond choosing the appropriate eyewear. Eyesight is an essential component of how well you play sports, so you need to have strong vision. If you normally require eyeglasses, you'll need protective sports glasses that have a prescription that will also help to correct your vision. For contact lens wearers, you may need a different lens than those you use everyday. Contact your optometrist about the choices that are right for you.

Different sports are subject to different demands and dangers, so let your optometrist determine your specific needs and fit you with the right eyeglasses or lenses best for your visual skills. This will help you give you the boost you need to excel and have fun and be safe when you play sports.

Each sport has different demands and dangers, so it's important to allow your eye care professional to assess your unique needs and fit you with the right eyeglasses or contact lenses that best fit your visual skills. This will help you give you the boost that'll help you excel and enjoy sports safety.